Anthem Healthcare decided to change their name and I was initially brought on board to consult on rebranding. We began by meeting with subject matter experts and Anthem executives to revamp Anthem’s style guide in preparation for their transition to Elevance Health. After a new style guide was finalized, the next stage was revising Anthem’s existing print and email communications to reflect the new brand. Much of my work at this stage was done in conjunction with another copywriter; we would meet several times a week and exchange and rewrite each other’s assignments.

After the new Elevance print and email communications were ready, I was assigned to creating guides for employers on how to choose the right health care plans for their business, as well as material for employees on how to choose their healthcare plan and maximize their benefits.

My favorite work with Anthem/Elevance was the Patient Journeys campaign. A survey was sent to Elevance caregivers asking for stories about notable patients. We were given a wealth of material which was then narrowed down to eight inspiring stories of courageous patients and caregivers who went the extra mile. A woman who danced at her grandson’s wedding weeks before passing. A homeless dirt bike fan getting a chance for one last ride. After stories were selected, I then conducted extended interviews with the caregivers to get important details and provide a problem-to-solution structure to each story. Collaborating with a talented art director, we were able to come up with one of my favorite campaigns I’ve worked on.



Patient Journeys

Digitally Enabled Health Care Stories


Teamster Enrollment

Plan Coverage

Automatic Drug Refills


Aggregate Stop Loss

Accessing Employer Reports


Elevating Whole Health, Advancing Health Beyond Healthcare

Who We Are